Biomechanist Katy Bowman demonstrates exercises for stretching and strengthening the muscles that keep the pelvis aligned, allowing the pelvic floor to operate less like a "hammock" and more like a "trampoline."
For help with menstrual cramps, pelvic floor disorders, caeserean, sacral health, hip helath, sexual dysfunction and incontinence.
Bestselling author, speaker, and a leader in the Movement movement, biomechanist Katy Bowman is changing the way we move and think about our need for movement. Bowman teaches movement globally and speaks about sedentarism and movement ecology to academic and scientific audiences.
Down there for Women - gentle exercise prescription
This DVD is second-hand but in excellant condition. Its been a part of my cherished library but its time to sell onto someone else to enjoy! Prices indicate either what I paid for the DVD/or current market price and the sale price.